Friday, December 6, 2013

web design and principle of web design syllabus

Introduction to Ajax -
Working of Ajax from a user’s perspective and
a developer’s perspective, Applications of Ajax: Searching in real time
with live searches, Getting the answer with autocomplete, Chatting
with friends ,Dragging and dropping with Ajax, Getting instant login
feedback, Ajax-enabled popup menus, Modifying Web pages on the
fly, Google Maps and Ajax.

Ajax and PHP  :
Starting with PHP ,Getting a Handle on Variables
,Handling Your Data with Operators,Making Choices with the if
Statement ,Round and Round with Loops,Handling HTML
Controls,Getting data from text fields.Checking out data from check
boxes,Tuning in data from radio buttons ,Sending Data to the Server,
Reading Files, Writing Files, Working with Databases

XML and Ajax
Creating and opening the XMLHttpRequest object., Handling
asynchronous downloads,relative versus absolute URLs , Interactive
Mouseovers Using Ajax ,Server-Side Scripting ,Choosing a server-side
scripting language ,Connecting to a script on a server, Setting up a
Web page to read XML ,Handling the XML you read from the server,
Extracting data from XML ,Passing Data to the Server with GET,
Passing Data to the Server with POST.

Ajax in Depth
Returning JavaScript from the Server, Calling a Different Domain ,
Reversing the Roles: Performing  Validation on the Server, Getting
Data with HEAD Requests., Returning all the header data you can get
,Finding the last-modified date,  Debugging Ajax ,Using GET to get
text ,Using GET to get XML ,Using POST to post data and get text,
Using POST to post data and get XML.

Handling XML in Ajax Applications
Requesting XML Data in Ajax., Extracting XML Data Using
Properties ,Right on the node ,Introducing the JavaScript properties

Navigating an XML document using JavaScript properties, Extracting
with node Value, Accessing XML Elements by Name, Accessing
Attribute Values in XML Elements, Validating XML Documents in
Ajax Applications

Working with Cascading Style Sheets in Ajax Applications
An Ajax-Driven Menu System, Setting up the styles, Handling mouse
events, Displaying a menu ,Hiding a menu ,Handling the menu items
,Displaying Text That Gets Noticed ,Styling text, Handling colors and
backgrounds, Positioning using styles

Ajax Design Issues
Breaking the Back Button and Bookmarks, Giving Visual, Cues,
Leaving the User in Control ,.remembering All the Different Browsers,
Showing Users When Text Changes, Avoiding a Sluggish Browser
,Handling Sensitive Data, Creating a Backup Plan., Showing Up in
Search Engines, Sidestepping a Browser’s Cache

ASP.NET Applications  – Evolution of Web Development, Creating
ASP.NET Applications, Designing Web pages, Anatomy of web form,
Writing Code-behind and event handlers, ASP.NET Files, Application
Directories, Server Controls, HTML Control classes, Page Class,
Global.asax files and application events, ASP.NET Configuration files

Web Controls  – Advantages of web controls, Web control classes,
AutoPostBack & Web control events,

State Management  – Maintaining state using ViewState, Query
String, Cross Page Posting, URL Encoding, Cookies, Sessions State,
Application State

Validation & rich controls
Validations & Validator controls,
Undertaking regular expressions,  Calendar control, AdRotator,
Advertisement file, AdRotator class

ADO.NET & Data Binding
ADO.NET Fundamentals, Singlevalue, Repeated-Value Data Binding, Data binding with ADO.NET,
Data source controls, GridView, Defining columns, Selecting, Sorting
& Paging GridView

Using XML
 XML Role in .NET, XML Classes
Protection & Performance : Determining security requirements, ASP.NET Security
model, Caching, Types of caching, Example of output caching, data
caching, AJAX in ASP.NET –Using ScriptManager, Partial refreshes,
UpdatePanel, Triggers, Timed Refreshes

Web Service – What is web service, ASP.NET Web services, Creating
a simple web service, Consuming Web service